Sunday, September 30, 2012

wish she will be :)

he was looking for a direction; someone. it was obviously not me bcos if ya, he knew all he needed was turn around and voilĂ ! there i was. but he didn't.

i wish you are happy, always. 

i wish she'll be happy bcos of you, too.


tak ada waktu tuk menjelaskan, tak sangka ini kan datang
waktu hujan turun , di sudut gelap mataku
begitu derasnya, kan ku coba bertahan

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

angry me?

it's been a sad day, for me. not actually sad, just...broken hearted. it's just hit me; hard, something about him. what? did he just ignored me? maybe it's just me overthinking everything, but really, did he?

we don't know each other. or you could say; he don't know me. we are not friends, we are just strangers; with no memories. we are in the same school, lucky me. he love something that i love too, accidentally. a friend of mine told me about him, and then the story goes.

it's been 6 months. me staring from distance, everytime. he was everything i wanted. it was hard to move on from your first love, but he made me cleared my head off from my 'impossible to forget'. he had that chance to go further. but we didn't know each other. how to expect?

i just deleted his bbm. it was hard, but i'm better off from any kind of distractions like that.

maybe i'll miss his pictures. his DPs.

i'm just too angry to keep his faces on my pages.