Wednesday, December 31, 2014



2014, huh?
pretty amazing year, i guess.

a lot of things happened this year.
some were wonderful, some were sad.
some were sadly wonderful and vice versa.

i’m not gonna shit around telling you about all the things that have happened to me, but i think some of them are worth mentioning.

arsenal, after 9yrs of trophy drought, finally won one. hell no, they won 2! they were nothing major but still, it’s a good start.
the night we won the 1st trophy, i was like a firework on new years eve. i was bursting out in flames, being happy.
i wish i could always be that happy.

then, i went abroad, doing some religious trip.
it was pretty remarkable, bcos i’ve never felt that close to God, and there were moments where i felt like He was right there, sitting with me, holding my praying hands, ears in my mouth and brushing off my tears, telling me it’s all gonna be okay, bcos i have Him.

i got to see some beautiful cities, too. cities that i dream would be the places i go on my honeymoon.

2014 was kinda weird, too.
i met someone that got me thinking of actually getting married.
not getting-married-fun, but getting-married-married.
and that’s just kinda crazy.

i learned the hard, hurtful, bitter truths about friendship, in this year.
it did not come in handy, i was kinda shocked and wished i could just disappear off the earth but hurricane doesn’t last forever, so i got over it, thankfully.

now, i’m so glad to have best of friends that a girl could possibly asks for.
in my hometown, in here, and even abroad. oh, i couldn’t be more grateful.

and i’m thankful, too, for having friends that are unlike any of my other friends, who showed me a life where morning is the time to be tired, when you aren’t sleeping, and night is when you go out and have a lot of fun.
and not only that, i’m so happy that i finally found someone my own sex, that can totally get me, that i can always count on, that is as insecure as i am but it only brings us even closer, and (this is when i know she really is one of very few people that i wouldn’t trade even for the world) that i’m not embarrassed to cry in front of.

basically, 2014 was full of memories, valuable lessons that i will always cherish my whole life.
there were heartbreaks, homesickness, tears, but there were also laughter, joys, and cheers.
and for everything that have happened this year, i’m grateful.

thank you, 2014, you’ve been a hell of a companion.

with love, and gratitude,


p.s.= cesc fabregas signed for chelsea.
p.p.s.= i bought 56 books this year, and have read 38 of them.
            2015 reading target: read 45 books.
p.p.p.s.= for everything and everyone that i didn’t list off in this post, it doesn’t make me less grateful for having you exist around me. thank you!!!

okay, enough of p.p.p.p.p.p.s.

sabila is out.

