Thursday, September 29, 2011


ehm. halo. hahaha. ¬_¬ duh gajelas. hmmmm gue bingung gmn blgnya. sebenernya ini gapenting sih, tapi gmn ya.. gue mls jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan org soal post2 blog gue atau soal post2 tumblr gue yang kesannya buat ''seseorang'', dan mereka semua kayaknya kok yakin bgt kalo semua post yg sarat 'galau' itu adalah buat farhan. dan mereka tuh batu gitu. udh gue blg, bukan. tapi tetep aja, mereka kayak merasa kalo itu emg buat farhan. they don't think that i can move from him. errr, gak gampang emg, tapi toh gue bisa. beneran bisa, nothing special aja gt skrg. and u may ask, who's the ''u'' behind my every post lately. hmmm siapapun itu, yg pasti dia bukan farhan. lagian, emg setiap ada kata ''elo'' itu hrs cowok? emg hrs crush gue? enggak kan. gue sering kok reblog/posting/ngetweet yg mungkin kalian pikir itu ttg farhan/crush gue padahal itu buat cesc, atau samuel, atau adel, atau temen2 lama gue di smp, atau nyokap gue, atau adek gue, atau bokap gue, ya pokoknya gak selalu crush lah.

sebenernya gue gamau ngurusin hal-hal gapenting kayak gini, tapi lama-lama gue risih juga kan. gue udh blg, gue moved on, and i mean it. gue gapernah lagi tuh, mikirin farhan. gapernah ngecheck timelinenya, gapernah kangen, gapernah bnr2 pgn ketemu. rasanya udh bener2 kayak ke yg lain. kayak ke dimas, ke riza, ke omar, ke yg lain2 deh pokoknya. dan satu hal lagi yg hrs dilurusin, yg hrs dibenerin dr pikiran org2 yg msh mikir gue still like him, gue gak cemburu atau punya perasaan2 gak enak ke dia&ceweknya. ataupun marah, cmon they're my friends. he love her, they're now official, and even at first i feel like, yeah u kno, brokenheart, but not for now!! gosh, i can't even remember how brokenheart feels like.

dan kalo misalnya gue blg dia ganteng, hot, seksi atau apalah skrg ini, itu semua bnr2 karna dimata gue saat itu ya dia begitu, bukan karna gue punya special feeling or whatevs. dan yekali ya, mikir dikit juga kali, kalo gue msh suka sm doi, gamungkin juga kan gue bs muji2 dia atau ngomongin ttg perasaan yg udh lewat ini lgsg sm doi? zz ya kecuali gue emg udh jago akting kali ye, ah tp gamungkin bs segitunya juga lah kalo sebenernya msh ada feeling.

dan buat yg baca post ini, dan merasa, gue gak maksut nyinggung atau apa. ya blog ini gue bikin kan emg buat curhat pribadi aja. dan ini bukan blog yg universal so i can wrote lyk anything i feel here. tolong ngerti ya perasaan risih gue. teserah skrg msh mau gapercaya atau whatevs, tp tolong gausah sok yakin kalo itu semua buat farhan. kalo mau cengin sih, ya gue slo aja secara kita temenan kan. tp ya jgn ampe mbatuw lah intinya. inikan rasa suka gue, kalo udh abis ya gausah batu kalo ini msh ada lah yaw. ok? muchas gracias, amigos!


Saturday, September 24, 2011

capricorn - 30stm

1. put your itunes or windows media player on shuffle.
2. for each question, press the next button to get your next answer.
3. you must write that song name down no matter how outrageous it sounds!

if someone says, "is this okay" you say?
= damn regret - the red jumpsuit apparatus

what would best describe your personality?
= burning in the skies - linkin park

what do you like in a guy/girl?
your song cover - cameron mitchell
what is your life's purpose?
= better that we break - maroon5
what is your motto?
= candles - hey monday
what do your friends think of you?
= morning mr magpie - radiohead

what do you think about often?
= asmaul husna - hadad alwi (Alhamdulillah yahhh...)

what is 2+2?
= from yesterday - 30stm
what do you think of your best friend?
kick ass - mika (HELL YEAH)
what do you think of your main squeeze?

= booty bounce - dev
 what is your life story? =  breakeven - the script
what do you want to be when you grow up?
=  whats my name - rihanna (hmm amnesia?)

what do you think when you see the person you like?
=  pump it - bep
what do your parents think of you?
=  jenna - bridges i burn (oh no..)

what will you dance to at your wedding?
=  shadow of the day - linkin park
what will they play at your funeral?
=  i'd lie - taylor swift

what is your hobby/interest?
=  so sick - neyo (hazihi fitnah!!)

what do you think of your friends?
=  the catalyst - linkin park
what's the worst thing that could happen?
= something about love - archie
how will you die?
=  all time low - the wanted (hahahaahahah)

what is the one thing you regret?
=  love drunk - boys like girls (oh c'mon u can read my mind?!)

what makes you laugh?
=  himnos nacionales de espana (damn ryyyt)

what makes you cry?
=  therapy - all time low
will you ever get married?
=  circles - all time low (oh yeah reality)

what scares you the most?
=  wonderwall - oasis
does anyone like you?
= the adventure of rain dance maggie - red hot chili peppers
if you could go back in time, what would you change?
= blackbird cover - glee
what hurts right now?
= 21guns - greenday (FAAAAKYU)

what would you name this post?
= capricorn (brand new name) - 30stm

robot boy

You say you're not going to fight  
Because no one will fight for you  
And you think there's not enough love  
And no one to give it to  

And you're sure you've hurt for so long  
You've got nothing left to lose  
So you say you're not going to fight 
Because no one will fight for you

You say the weight of the world  
Has kept you from letting go  
And you think compassion's a flaw
And you'll never let it show  

And you're sure you've hurt in a way  
That no one will ever know  
But someday the weight of the world  
Will give you strength to go

Thursday, September 22, 2011

no, i'm not.

no, i'm not moving on. neither giving up. i dont even ever stay in u. i dont even ever try anything on u. i'm not move, bcos i never stay. i'm not give up, bcos i never try anything.

maybe now, i'm just trying to let it go. 'cos i ever have u in me. in head, maybe heart.

jenna, i'm sorry. this is me. u never yes or no, u always maybe. if we believe i swear we can fly, if we try~~~