Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Sabila Goes To Cinema

so i went to cinema yesterday —after only God knows how long. i watched Thor: The Dark World, because i love the movie of Thor. 

i don't know what makes Thor so much special, since i've been a Thinking-Too-Much-And-Ended-Up-Buying-The-Dvd-Instead kinda kid lately. but when Thor comes out, none second-thought was taking place. i even watched the first movie in the morning, twice —after thousand times, months before.
the thing is, i'm not a superhero movie fan. and i don't watch superhero movie repeatedly. in fact, i don't watch any kind of movie repeatedly (except Jason Bourne Trilogy. GOD, i LOVE those movies so much). well i've watched Batman The Dark Knight more than 3 times, but that's only because of The Joker —my most favourite villain of ALL time (follows by Loki).

i think, i'm into Thor because the stories are so human, unlike any other. i feel like Thor is so close to what i see everyday, to what happens in our daily lives. 
older brother having disagreement with his younger brother, the feeling of being left behind, betrayal, trust issue, craving for equality, all of those aspects are so human. only that the stories aren't captured by "human", that make the movies are "unhuman". 

so yeah i watched the movie yesterday, and damn.. SPOILER ALERT: IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED THE MOVIE, DON'T READ UNTIL THE NEXT PARAGRAPH ..i was crying a river after the scene where Loki was stabbed and fucking dead. yes, i cried until the end of the movie just to find out that he is NOT dead yet. fuck you, Loki. you take my love for you for granted!!!!

so yeah the movie was great, with emotional scenes and some funny parts which the first movie doesn't provide. and just like any other marvel movies, the last scene was hanging and left me with thousand questions.
well, there have to be another movie of Thor, the third one!!
damn you, Marvel.

and i guess i'm not gonna watch any movie in cinema for a long time (again) after this. it takes so much of my money.. (anak kosan melarat). hahahaha


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